Friday, December 25, 2009


Once in a blue moon, there comes a movie that changes something about the movie going experience. Something that puts people into seats and reminds us why the theater is still a great time for friends and family. James Cameron knows it's an up-hill battle when it comes to getting the general pubic into a theater. There needs to be a reason for them to come even though it may be much easier to download it offline, or simply just wait for the movie to become available on DVD. Mr. Cameron found a way. Utilizing the 3D aspect that has only been limited in its use, the movie becomes a unique trip through an entire world filled with plants and life unlike anything you could imagine.
One thing I noticed throughout. It never feels forced. The characters can be a bit cliched, no doubt. But they never have a moment that made them unwatchable. Jake Sully, played by new comer Sam Worthington, is the marine that has a lot of courage, and a little bit of brains to boot. My favorite scene involves anytime he is with Sigourney Weaver's character. The natives of the planet called Pandora bring to mind the natives of our planet. Their culture is almost a mirror or our own, in how our connection to nature once was and may never be again. The visual effects really compliment the story more than over shadowing it. James Cameron succeeded in changing movies... again. I truly hope everyone gets a chance to see this, but make no mistake. Avatar needs to been seen in IMAX 3D.


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